How To

How to find your Android Phone?

If you have lost your Android phone, do not call to the operator to suspend the line.  You should use “Find my Android” to locate your phone first.  This is what what you need to do:

  1. At type >> find my android.
  2. You will be directed to Find My Android.
  3. Login to your account.  Once you login to your account, all phones that are using your account will be shown.  You can perform:
    1. Play Sound – Device will ring for 5 minutes, even if set to silent.
    2. Lock – device and display message or phone number.
    3. Erase – all content from the device.  You will no longer be able to locate it.

This method is effective only if the line and account used in the lost phone is still active.  If you suspend the line, you are basically “logging” out the “active” account from the phone, making the search of the device impossible.


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